Big Bets — IBM


Big Bets was the IBM CEO event in 2019 to introduce their new technologies. AV&C created all of the content for the LED walls and touch screens as well as  the software to drive said content.


Creative Director of VFX 3D animation for the new chip design. Creative Director with Alex Czetwertynski on the three VFX 3D animations to illustrate bits, neurons and qubits. Produced all of the 3D animation and the software design for the event. Also served as the onsite producer on location.


NOTE: The original content was viewed on a large LED wall in an installation with no sound. John Williams score added for fun. VFX animation done by Hey Mister.

NOTE: The original content was viewed on a large LED wall in an installation with no sound. Danny Elfman score added for fun. VFX animation done by Hi from the Future.